Home Remedies and Natural Treatments for Acne Article Source

Acne and pimples are something that's probably affected all of us at one time or another in our life. Usually during the teenage years and usually at the wrong time. There are several products you can buy and several home remedies for acne and pimples. One natural treatment is using fresh aloe vera. Some markets sell aloe vera leaves, but if you can grow your own, even better. Aloe vera is useful for many skin conditions. Cut a piece off a leaf closest to the soil and squeeze out the gelatinous liquid inside. Spread the liquid generously on clean, affected skin and leave it on overnight. Repeat this every night until you notice improvement and then take a break.
Another method is using a small amount of plain old oatmeal. Use a little water and use a blender to make a paste and apply this to the affected area, gently rub the area in a circular motion and rinse with warm water. You can also use baking soda the same way. If you feel a pimple coming on you can try dabbing toothpaste on the area and leaving that on overnight.
For controlling and preventing acne, resist the urge to squeeze the pimple. This will push the bacteria deeper into the skin and make the situation worse. If there is a head showing, use a warm to hot wet washcloth to apply heat until the pus releases. Drink plenty of water. Don't rest your face in your hands. Make sure everything that touches your skin like your hands, cell phone, hair, towel, pillowcase is clean to cut back on bacteria. Washing once in the morning, and once before bed, with a gentle cleanser should be enough. Don't scrub because scrubbing can irritate your skin.
Nutrients are very important: Zinc - aids in healing and prevents scarring. Chlorophyll - aids in cleansing the blood. Garlic - destroys bacteria and enhances the immune system. Potassium - deficiency has been associated with acne. Colloidal silver - acts as a natural antibiotic. Vitamin A - strengthens the protective skin tissue. Vitamin B complex - important for healthy skin tone.
There is a great A to Z reference book by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" that you can pick up at any book store. The fourth edition is out and provides a wealth of information for drug-free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements.
Until the next article, live long, eat right and prosper.

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