How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Nose ?

It should be noted that removing blackheads on the nose isn't any different from removing blackheads on other parts of your face (Tips on how to get rid of blackheads). As such, if you already know how to remove them on your cheek or somewhere else, then you shouldn't have any problems. If you don't, then here are some tips to help you get those ugly marks on your nose out.

Your bets best would be to assess your option by reading the advice from this site I have found:… , the blog section is particularly good !

1. See a dermatologist. Before everything, you should try to have your nose blackheads removed by a professional. Sure, it may cost a little bit more than self-treatment at home but you can be assured that you (and your skin) will be in the best possible hands. At the very least, dermatologists will be able to tell you what products to use that won't destroy your skin since everyone has different skin types.

2. Soften the blackheads. You can do this through several ways. One is to take a warm shower so the steam will do the softening. You can also heat water in a pan until it boils, and then stand over the pan to allow the steam to cover your face. Once the blackheads are sufficiently softened, you can gently remove them using pore strips or any blackhead remover. You can also moisturize your face using warm washcloth in the evenings. Whatever you do, don't put a boiling hot washcloth over your face.

3. Use blackhead removers or extractors. Whether you only need to remove the occasional nose blackhead or have it as a daily regimen, blackhead extractors such as Revlon Stainless Steel blackhead remover will make removing those blackhead on your nose easier. Just apply the pad on your nose with enough pressure and then peel. The blackheads should come out quite easily. Be warned though that care is required for the application or else you will tear your skin, causing more damage.

4. Use astringents and acne medications. Astringents applied using cotton balls as well as acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide should help dry out the blackheads enough, so they will be removed with regular facial cleansing. Don't go for anything less than a 2.5% for benzoyl peroxide.

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