How to Prevent Pimples Before It’s Too Late

Nearly everyone suffers from acne at some point in their life. Usually the battle begins around the onset of puberty. Luckily, for most, you can say goodbye to chronic acne about the time you say goodbye to your teen years. Keeping pimples under control during those years can be a constant battle. Learning how to prevent pimples, at least most of them, is much better than figuring how to treat them once they have shown up.
The first thing you must do to prevent pimples is keep your skin clean. This may seem like common sense, but the importance of this step can not be overemphasized. The hormonal changes your body goes through during puberty means that your skin, like every other part of your body, is going through drastic changes. The result of this is often the secretion of excess oils. This not only makes your face appear shiny, but can also leads to pimples if not removed frequently.
Wash your face as often as possible using ordinary soap and water. This will remove any oils and dirt and it will help to conrol the bacteria that cause blocked pores to turn into large, swollen, whiteheads. When cleasing your face, use water that is as hot as you can stand. This will open your pores which will help to remove any dirt, dead skin and oil that may be clogging them and allow the soap to get in to kill the bacteria. Once you have finished washing, rinse with cool water. This will tighten the pores back up again.
Learning how to prevent pimples also means you need to learn how to eat healthy. This means avoid junk foods, especially those that are greasy or high in sugar. Stick with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy products. This will keep your whole body in top shape, including your skin. Drinking lots of water is good for your skin as well. It helps your body to get rid of toxins that may end up being secreted through your pores, causing blockages.
If you are doing these things and you find that pimples are still a problem, you may need to try more drastic measures. In rare cases, the severity of the acne a person suffers from may require prescription medications. These medications can often have dangerous side effects and should only be used when all else has failed. Most people will find that over the counter treatments works just fine.
Benzoyl peroxide is a component of many acne treating lotions and creams. It helps to control the bacteria that cause pimples. It works best if it is applied immediately after washing with hot water so it has a chance to really get into your pores.
Salicylic acid is another common treatment for acne. It prevents the build up of exceesive dead skin cells. Your skin is constantly shedding old cells to make room for the new ones. If these old cells are allowed build up on your skin they will clog your pores and may cause pimples.

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