How to Remove Pimples On Chest Fast

Pimples on your chest or back can be very embarrassing, especially in the summer months when more of your skin is likely to be exposed.  If you are planning a trip to the beach you may be searching for the best way to get rid of pimples on chest quickly and keep them away.  Like everything else, it is easier to prevent pimples in the first place then get rid of them quickly once they rear their ugly heads but there are some tricks that may help you to get rid of ugly pimples and blackheads in a hurry.
An Ounce Of Prevention….
There are several steps you can take to prevent breakouts, most of which boil down to keeping yourself, clean, fit and healthy.  Eating a healthy diet, especially avoiding greasy or oily foods, helps to keep you skin and immune system functioning properly.  This will help to keep you pores unblocked and the bacteria that cause some pimples under control.
Good personal hygiene is essential.  Shower at least once a day with water that is as hot as you are comfortable with.  Hot water helps to open your pores and allows the soap to penetrate your skin where it can do the most good.  Exfoliating soaps are also a good idea as they help to remove more dead skin which can clog your pores.
Wear loose clothing.  Tight clothes keep the sweat and dirt trapped close to the skin where it can get into your pores.  Even underclothes should be worn as loosely as possible to prevent break outs.
These things may help to prevent pimples on chest, but what if you need them gone by tomorrow?  Is there anything your can do?
Do Not Pop Them
Although it may seem like the best quick solution, popping the pimples on chest is not the answer.  Not only is it unlikely to make you look better, often popping a zit just leaves you with a big red scab which is not very attractive either, but it may just spread the infection.  Most pimples are caused by a combination of bacteria and clogged pores.  Popping a pimple just exposes other parts of your skin to more bacteria and pore clogging material.
What Can Be Done?
Hot compresses work in some cases.  Remember that all pimples are infections that your body is trying to fight off.  Hot compresses not only bring more of the infection to the surface where it can be gotten rid of faster, but it also increases the blood flow to the area.  The more blood that is traveling in and around you zits, the faster they will heal.
If your problem is with blackheads, you may be able to get rid of the quickly using pore strips.  All you need to do with these is put them on the affected area, wait the required amount of time and pull them off.  They should pull out all of the pore clogging dirt and oil.
After you have done these things, it may help to apply a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide.  These will kill the bacteria that cause pimples which should make them disappear more quickly.
It is best, when it comes to pimples on chest, to think in terms of prevention and not quick cure.  However, the tips listed above will help if you are in need of a quick fix.

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